Tuesday 16 June 2015

BOOK RELEASE: Never Give Up 'How To Overcome Anything'

I am pleased to announce that the 2nd edition of Never Give Up 'How To Overcome Anything' is now available for immediate download.

Never Give Up, which was first released in January 2012, was a huge success for me, with Waterstones' reviewers giving it a commendable 26 out of 27 five ✭✭✭✭✭ ratings.

The new edition, which is only available as an eBook, is now available from Amazon and Smashwords (major eBook retailers to follow shortly).

Download your copy today for only £2.50 / $3.99

You can download your copy by clicking the links below.






And ALL other Amazon websites!

My Website

COVER REVEAL for my NEW quotes book

Coming soon...

We all love quotes, don't we? We all want to feel motivated and inspired?

Well, here is the ultimate quotes book. A book packed full of the most uplifting and inspiring quotes ever written. 400 quotations from some of the most influential people that have ever lived.

Read it. You'll LOVE it. It will make your day!

Monday 15 June 2015

RULE 5. Don't Play The Victim Card

Taken from my NEW book YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES...


“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of yourself, but define yourself.” ~ Harvey S. Firestone

I wish to recall a conversation I had with an old friend several years ago. It was a particularly difficult period in my life. I was in a deep depression, struggling to cope with an impending bankruptcy, my divorce, and past issues I had failed to address, which were now having a very adverse effect on my well-being.

John, my friend, whom I had not seen for some time, asked me how life was treating me — it was a conversation which I will never forget. It went something like this…

John: “Hi, mate. Long time no see. How’s life treating you?”

Me: “Awful, to be honest, John. Life is crap. Everything is going wrong. I wish I had someone else’s life.”

John: “Swap you!”

Me: “Don’t be daft. You have a great life. You’re loaded — plenty of cash, great house, you’ve even got that villa in Florida. Why on earth would you want to swap me for all my problems?”

John: “I’ve got cancer, mate. I’ve been having treatment for ages.”

What could I say? I was speechless — I felt physically sick. I had made a total fool of myself, wallowed in self-pity, played the victim card.

I never saw my friend again, I can only hope that he made a full recovery, returned to his former glory. I remember the conversation though, as if it were only yesterday. It was a defining moment which helped change my perspective, helped me throw away my victim card. I faced my problems, my issues, and my illness — and beat them, eventually.

I made a full recovery because I refused to let my self-loathing destroy my life. I sought the help of my close friends, a good counsellor, and more importantly, my closest ally…ME!

“I had no shoes and complained, until I met a man with no feet.” ~ Indian Proverb

* Stop feeling sorry for yourself
* There is ALWAYS someone willing to swap
* Face your problems

ONLY $2.99 / £1.99 from ALL major eBook retailers



Hello and welcome to my blog.

Here are the 66 rules that my book YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES is based upon.

Of course, to get the full meaning behind each rule, you'll have to read the book!

1. Just Be Yourself
2. Live And Let Live
3. Accept Your Fate
4. Don’t Miss The Boat
5. Don’t Play The Victim Card
6. Have No Regrets
7. Free Yourself
8. Slay The Vampires, Ditch The Zombies
9. Detox Your Life
10. Dump The Television
11. Give Yourself A Happiness Score
12. Decide What You Want
13. Make A Plan
14. Score Lots Of Goals
15. Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone
16. Devise A Mission Statement
17. Create Worthy Values
18. Make Your Own Rules
19. Create Good Habits
20. Stand Tall
21. Look Good, Feel Good
22. Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff
23. Develop A Thirst For Knowledge
24. Think Positive & Keep Focused
25. Don’t Be A Hypocrite
26. Learn To Say No
27. Don’t Beat Yourself Up
28. Know When To Ask For Help
29. Take A Daily Dose Of Motivation
30. Manage Your Time Wisely
31. Complete The Big Tasks First
32. Take Time Out For You
33. Make Time For Those You Love
34. Do What You Love Doing
35. Have Fun — Life’s Too Short
36. Get Some Exercise
37. Eat The Right Stuff
38. Sleep Like A Baby
39. Get Out Of Bed
40. Count Your Blessings
41. Keep Your Cool
42. Think Before You Act
43. Share Your Troubles
44. Create A Mental Sanctuary
45. Talk To Yourself
46. Meditate — Or Take A Regular Catnap
47. Top-Up Your Confidence
48. You Will Never Please Everyone
49. Teach Your Children Well
50. Give Your Partner Space
51. Have A Back-Up Plan
52. Live Life On The Edge
53. Live Within Your Means
54. Save For A Rainy Day
55. Keep Learning, Keep Moving
56. Listen To The Voice Inside
57. Value Your Friends
58. Spread A Little Kindness
59. Look After Mother Earth
60. Leave A Legacy
61. Create A Bucket List
62. Keep Adjusting Your Sails
63. Write An Autobiography
64. Seize The Day
65. Get That Wanderlust Feeling
66. Never Give Up

YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES is available for immediate download
ONLY $2.99 / £1.99

Amazon USA Link
Amazon UK Link
Smashwords Link
Barnes & Noble Link
Kobo Link


Sunday 14 June 2015

Retailer links for my book YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES

Hi everyone!

Here are the links to my new book YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES, which I released at the beginning of June...

Amazon USA Link
Amazon UK Link
Smashwords Link *
Barnes & Noble Link
Kobo Link

*A pdf version is available from Smashwords


Thursday 11 June 2015


NEVER GIVE UP (New Edition)

No one who reads this book can fail to be moved and motivated in equal measure. Written by a man who has experienced more than most and still come out smiling on the other side, Ivor Lloyd now wants the opportunity to help you.

His own account of the set-backs he has suffered in his life and the honesty with which he faces up to the ʻmistakesʼ he has made, are testament to his courage and ability to ʻNever Give Upʼ, even when the odds are stacked against him.

Ivorʼs inimitable, no-nonsense style of writing as he describes the emotional roller-coaster that his life has been, makes this book a real page-turner.

If you need some sound advice, a good dose of common sense and the answer to how to keep getting back up each time youʼre knocked down, then youʼve come to the right place!


Further details can be found on my website: http://ivorlloydcoach.wix.com/ivorlloyd