Monday 25 May 2015

Make Your Own Rules

Here is another short excerpt from my book YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES (a revised edition of this book is due July 2015)...

Make Your Own Rules
“Live by your own rules. Don’t let anybody hold you back. Be different and be yourself. You only get to live once, so make it whatever you want it to be.” ~ Adam Thomas

You are the boss — don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. What you do with your life is up to you and no one else. You make the rules and, if you don’t have any, then it’s time you made some (I’ve included sixty-six in this book to get you started).

Don’t be pushed around. Be everything you wish to be. Devise a solid set of morals, values, principles and rules. Set your own high standards of excellence — and live by them. Keep moving forward, changing and developing new and better rules as you experience new challenges. Be inventive — a visionary! Never stand still, never give up. Learn to be a better person, a better you — the boss, the person who makes the rules. Don’t make excuses for situations you find yourself in — change them!

“I want to learn a new skill and find a new job.” Then do it!

“I want to lead a healthier lifestyle.” Then do it! 

“I don’t want to be controlled by others.” Then don’t! 

“I don’t want to work in a dead-end job.” Then don’t!

Making your own rules doesn’t mean that you are a rebel or an outcast, it means that you willing to make decisions and take personal responsibility for your life — it means you are in control.
Why don’t you create your own rules as you go along. Don’t let other people stop you from living the life that you deserve — make up your own rules and live by them.

Having a firm set of rules and a worthy moral code develop character. “A man’s reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is.” ~ Unknown

  • Live by your own rules
  • Don’t let others hold you back
  • Develop better rules as you go along

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