Sunday, 24 May 2015

YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES (book excerpt)

Here is a short excerpt from my book YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES (a revised edition of this book is due July 2015)...

Know When To Ask For Help
“Asking for advice does not mean that you are weak, it means you are wise.” ~ T. Fowler

Successful people ask for help and they ask for guidance. Why? Because they have learned to accept their strengths and their weaknesses — they know that they alone cannot do everything themselves. So they ask people who know. They ask for help!

Who would you ask to repair your car? A motor mechanic, of course. You would seek the advice and help of a specialist, someone who had expert knowledge and experience in their particular field. So why do so many of us fail to ask for help when we need it most? Why do we bury our heads in the sand and hope the problem will go away? The answer is rejection! It is the fear of rejection which holds us back. We often think it is a sign of weakness if we ask for help, that we are inadequate, and inferior to others.

Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness, it is actually a sign of strength. Successful people know this, they learn how to delegate, they know when to ask for help. They create an atmosphere of empowerment, making others feel important and valued. They know that if they don’t have the answers, then someone else will. They seek and they overcome. Just like you must do. If you don’t know how to do something then ask. What’s the worst that can happen? You might get a no, but you also might get a YES!

By all means, you should try to do something yourself if it’s within your capabilities and not downright stupid. But do seek the help of the people who can solve your problems; the teachers, the coaches, the mentors, the professionals — do find someone who can help further your career, improve your health, your fitness, your life!

Ask for help in your everyday situations, too. Don’t be afraid to ask for whatever you need or want. If you receive a ‘no’, then what have you lost? Nothing!
Ask! Ask! Then, ask again!

  • Know your strengths and weaknesses
  • Don’t be afraid of rejection
  • Know when to ask for the right help

Please visit my website to find more about me and my books

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