Believe In Yourself
“If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it.” ~ Jesse Jackson
As I mentioned previously, we are usually conditioned from an early age by those around us. These limiting and disempowering beliefs can often stay with us as we journey through life.
Flea trainers used to place the fleas in small jars and then put the lid on. The fleas continued to jump up and down continually hitting the lid on the jar. They do this many times, jumping and hitting the lid, jumping and hitting the lid. Eventually the fleas learn that they cannot escape, so they continue to jump, but they no longer hit the lid. Interestingly, when the lid is removed, the fleas do not jump out of the jar, they simply jump as high as they have been conditioned to do. They have been restricted in their beliefs, for they no longer believe they can jump high enough to escape.
Similarly, baby elephants are conditioned by their trainers by tying a large rope around the leg of the elephant and attaching the other end to a large stake which is driven deep into the ground. When the baby elephant pulls on the rope to try and escape, it quickly learns that it is not strong enough to break the rope, so it gives up trying. Once the elephant is fully grown, it doesn’t even try to pull the stake from the ground any more because it learned from an early age that it wasn’t strong enough to do so. Of course, the elephant could easily break the rope if it really tried to do so, but the conditioning it received as a young elephant has severely limited its potential.
Are you a flea or an elephant, unable to do the things you wish to do because of negative childhood programming? Are you living a life preordained by others?
My book YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES is now available from Amazon
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