Tuesday, 16 June 2015

BOOK RELEASE: Never Give Up 'How To Overcome Anything'

I am pleased to announce that the 2nd edition of Never Give Up 'How To Overcome Anything' is now available for immediate download.

Never Give Up, which was first released in January 2012, was a huge success for me, with Waterstones' reviewers giving it a commendable 26 out of 27 five ✭✭✭✭✭ ratings.

The new edition, which is only available as an eBook, is now available from Amazon and Smashwords (major eBook retailers to follow shortly).

Download your copy today for only £2.50 / $3.99

You can download your copy by clicking the links below.






And ALL other Amazon websites!

My Website

COVER REVEAL for my NEW quotes book

Coming soon...

We all love quotes, don't we? We all want to feel motivated and inspired?

Well, here is the ultimate quotes book. A book packed full of the most uplifting and inspiring quotes ever written. 400 quotations from some of the most influential people that have ever lived.

Read it. You'll LOVE it. It will make your day!

Monday, 15 June 2015

RULE 5. Don't Play The Victim Card

Taken from my NEW book YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES...


“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of yourself, but define yourself.” ~ Harvey S. Firestone

I wish to recall a conversation I had with an old friend several years ago. It was a particularly difficult period in my life. I was in a deep depression, struggling to cope with an impending bankruptcy, my divorce, and past issues I had failed to address, which were now having a very adverse effect on my well-being.

John, my friend, whom I had not seen for some time, asked me how life was treating me — it was a conversation which I will never forget. It went something like this…

John: “Hi, mate. Long time no see. How’s life treating you?”

Me: “Awful, to be honest, John. Life is crap. Everything is going wrong. I wish I had someone else’s life.”

John: “Swap you!”

Me: “Don’t be daft. You have a great life. You’re loaded — plenty of cash, great house, you’ve even got that villa in Florida. Why on earth would you want to swap me for all my problems?”

John: “I’ve got cancer, mate. I’ve been having treatment for ages.”

What could I say? I was speechless — I felt physically sick. I had made a total fool of myself, wallowed in self-pity, played the victim card.

I never saw my friend again, I can only hope that he made a full recovery, returned to his former glory. I remember the conversation though, as if it were only yesterday. It was a defining moment which helped change my perspective, helped me throw away my victim card. I faced my problems, my issues, and my illness — and beat them, eventually.

I made a full recovery because I refused to let my self-loathing destroy my life. I sought the help of my close friends, a good counsellor, and more importantly, my closest ally…ME!

“I had no shoes and complained, until I met a man with no feet.” ~ Indian Proverb

* Stop feeling sorry for yourself
* There is ALWAYS someone willing to swap
* Face your problems

ONLY $2.99 / £1.99 from ALL major eBook retailers



Hello and welcome to my blog.

Here are the 66 rules that my book YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES is based upon.

Of course, to get the full meaning behind each rule, you'll have to read the book!

1. Just Be Yourself
2. Live And Let Live
3. Accept Your Fate
4. Don’t Miss The Boat
5. Don’t Play The Victim Card
6. Have No Regrets
7. Free Yourself
8. Slay The Vampires, Ditch The Zombies
9. Detox Your Life
10. Dump The Television
11. Give Yourself A Happiness Score
12. Decide What You Want
13. Make A Plan
14. Score Lots Of Goals
15. Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone
16. Devise A Mission Statement
17. Create Worthy Values
18. Make Your Own Rules
19. Create Good Habits
20. Stand Tall
21. Look Good, Feel Good
22. Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff
23. Develop A Thirst For Knowledge
24. Think Positive & Keep Focused
25. Don’t Be A Hypocrite
26. Learn To Say No
27. Don’t Beat Yourself Up
28. Know When To Ask For Help
29. Take A Daily Dose Of Motivation
30. Manage Your Time Wisely
31. Complete The Big Tasks First
32. Take Time Out For You
33. Make Time For Those You Love
34. Do What You Love Doing
35. Have Fun — Life’s Too Short
36. Get Some Exercise
37. Eat The Right Stuff
38. Sleep Like A Baby
39. Get Out Of Bed
40. Count Your Blessings
41. Keep Your Cool
42. Think Before You Act
43. Share Your Troubles
44. Create A Mental Sanctuary
45. Talk To Yourself
46. Meditate — Or Take A Regular Catnap
47. Top-Up Your Confidence
48. You Will Never Please Everyone
49. Teach Your Children Well
50. Give Your Partner Space
51. Have A Back-Up Plan
52. Live Life On The Edge
53. Live Within Your Means
54. Save For A Rainy Day
55. Keep Learning, Keep Moving
56. Listen To The Voice Inside
57. Value Your Friends
58. Spread A Little Kindness
59. Look After Mother Earth
60. Leave A Legacy
61. Create A Bucket List
62. Keep Adjusting Your Sails
63. Write An Autobiography
64. Seize The Day
65. Get That Wanderlust Feeling
66. Never Give Up

YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES is available for immediate download
ONLY $2.99 / £1.99

Amazon USA Link
Amazon UK Link
Smashwords Link
Barnes & Noble Link
Kobo Link


Sunday, 14 June 2015

Retailer links for my book YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES

Hi everyone!

Here are the links to my new book YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES, which I released at the beginning of June...

Amazon USA Link
Amazon UK Link
Smashwords Link *
Barnes & Noble Link
Kobo Link

*A pdf version is available from Smashwords


Thursday, 11 June 2015


NEVER GIVE UP (New Edition)

No one who reads this book can fail to be moved and motivated in equal measure. Written by a man who has experienced more than most and still come out smiling on the other side, Ivor Lloyd now wants the opportunity to help you.

His own account of the set-backs he has suffered in his life and the honesty with which he faces up to the ʻmistakesʼ he has made, are testament to his courage and ability to ʻNever Give Upʼ, even when the odds are stacked against him.

Ivorʼs inimitable, no-nonsense style of writing as he describes the emotional roller-coaster that his life has been, makes this book a real page-turner.

If you need some sound advice, a good dose of common sense and the answer to how to keep getting back up each time youʼre knocked down, then youʼve come to the right place!


Further details can be found on my website: http://ivorlloydcoach.wix.com/ivorlloyd


Here is the blurb to my book NEVER GIVE UP which is due for release later this month.

No one who reads this book can fail to be moved and motivated in equal measure. Written by a man who has experienced more than most and still come out smiling on the other side, Ivor Lloyd now wants the opportunity to help you.

His own account of the set-backs he has suffered in his life and the honesty with which he faces up to the ʻmistakesʼ he has made, are testament to his courage and ability to ʻNever Give Upʼ, even when the odds are stacked against him.

Ivorʼs inimitable, no-nonsense style of writing as he describes the emotional roller-coaster that his life has been, makes this book a real page-turner.

If you need some sound advice, a good dose of common sense and the answer to how to keep getting back up each time youʼre knocked down, then youʼve come to the right place!

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

New eBook retailers now 'LIVE'

Hi guys!

I'm pleased to say that my new book YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES is now available for download from the following eBook retailers...


I'm hoping the book will be live on Barnes & Noble within days.

Priced at ONLY $2.99 / £1.99.

Thank you for your support!

Best wishes,
Ivor Lloyd

* My new webite is now live http://ivorlloydcoach.wix.com

Sunday, 7 June 2015

A short story from my forthcoming book NEVER GIVE UP

Here is a short story from the new edition of NEVER GIVE UP which is due June 2015.

I hope you like it...

The Buddha was teaching a group of people one day when he found himself on the receiving end of a fierce outburst of abuse from a bystander, who was for some reason very angry and frustrated.

The Buddha listened patiently while the stranger vented his rage before addressing his audience. “If someone offers a gift to another person, who then chooses to decline it, tell me, who would then own the gift? The person who offered the gift or the person who refused to accept the gift?”

“The giver,” said the group after a little thought. 

“Any fool can see that,” added the angry stranger.

“Then it follows, does it not?” said the Buddha. “Whenever a person tries to abuse us, or to unload their anger on us, we can each choose to decline or to accept the abuse; whether to make it ours or not. By our personal response to the abuse from another, we can choose who owns and keeps the bad feelings.”


Thursday, 4 June 2015

NEVER GIVE UP (book excerpt)

Here is an excerpt from my forthcoming book NEVER GIVE UP (Coming soon!)...

Believe In Yourself
“If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it.” ~ Jesse Jackson

As I mentioned previously, we are usually conditioned from an early age by those around us. These limiting and disempowering beliefs can often stay with us as we journey through life.

Flea trainers used to place the fleas in small jars and then put the lid on. The fleas continued to jump up and down continually hitting the lid on the jar. They do this many times, jumping and hitting the lid, jumping and hitting the lid. Eventually the fleas learn that they cannot escape, so they continue to jump, but they no longer hit the lid. Interestingly, when the lid is removed, the fleas do not jump out of the jar, they simply jump as high as they have been conditioned to do. They have been restricted in their beliefs, for they no longer believe they can jump high enough to escape.

Similarly, baby elephants are conditioned by their trainers by tying a large rope around the leg of the elephant and attaching the other end to a large stake which is driven deep into the ground. When the baby elephant pulls on the rope to try and escape, it quickly learns that it is not strong enough to break the rope, so it gives up trying. Once the elephant is fully grown, it doesn’t even try to pull the stake from the ground any more because it learned from an early age that it wasn’t strong enough to do so. Of course, the elephant could easily break the rope if it really tried to do so, but the conditioning it received as a young elephant has severely limited its potential.

Are you a flea or an elephant, unable to do the things you wish to do because of negative childhood programming? Are you living a life preordained by others?

My book YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES is now available from Amazon

Some of the Amazon reviews for YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES!

✭✭✭✭✭ Frankie W.

Insightful and written in his no nonsense fashion. You don't have to read this in any particular order because the table of comments has subjects listed. Start with what you need.

✭✭✭✭✭ J. Jacques

It certainly makes you see through the trees to the wood beneath. A lot of good advice. Action now required!

✭✭✭✭✭ Rachel Armstrong

This book is brilliant. It is information most of us know already but there is something about reading it all in one place that cements resolve, motivates for change and reminds you to refocus your life. It is all too easy to get caught in negative thought patterns and this book brings you round to a much more positive way of thinking. Writing goals focuses the mind, reminding yourself what is important in your life focuses you on getting back to appreciating these things but also it makes you decide just what is important to you. All ways round a great book to uplift, inspire, challenge and remind you what life is all about.

✭✭✭✭✭ Lorraine Anderson

Another great thought provoking book, great read!

✭✭✭✭✭ Soozy Booth

Your Life, Your Rules!
Simplistic! Realistic! Positive! Achievable! Inspiring!

'Your Life Your Rules' is not designed to give you definitive answers, nor is it a Bible - more a self help 'tool kit' to guide and advise, written honestly and taken from the authors own life experiences.
It is not written sequentially, it doesn't need to be! , Life and it's challenges do not come in some pre-determined order!
Start reading this book in the middle, the end or at the beginning. 'Your Life Your Rules' will be about you!
' Your Life Your Rules' is not a read once only book to be placed on your book shelf! It's a life long reference - a happy and positive life. Use it as needed.
The very fact you are reading this suggests that you may be in need of hope, inspiration and guidance - this book delivers on all 3 aspects and much much more!!
It's up to you how you use it!
But trust me ... You will succeed.... I did !!
Thank You Ivor.
Much love and God Bless You x

✭✭✭✭✭ Neil R.J. Friestad

Well, being honest, I've known Ivor sins we were both joiner apprentice's. And later in life I found out he was the owner of my local gym, called «Body and Soul» were I met up with old friends, not just to chew the fat, but to try and burn it off.
While I was a full paying member for the first year or so, my personal life whet down the toilet. I found a helping hand and good advice, from Ivor and his co/ workers at that time. Ivor even let me use the gym for free when I couldn't afford the membership. This guy really saved my life. I never stopped to consider that maybe my old fried had problems too??
I have read "Never give up", and now "Your life your rules" Never give up sits on my book shelf by the side of a book Ivor gave to me written by his holiness the Dalai Lama
"Awakening the mind, lightening the heart"
I read somewhere that when the student is ready the teacher will appear, Never really understood this till now.
If you are ready to change your life, and live by your rules, then you just found the teacher. Ivor isn't perfect or some rich guy selling you a dream, he is a flawed, Honest, hardworking ordinary person, that just might, change your life for the better. As for the books, they really are great but I was ready to listen. Are you?

YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES is now available from Amazon

Only $2.99 / £1.99


Tuesday, 2 June 2015

**Book Release** YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES

Are you living your life to its full potential?

Do you know how to make the instant changes necessary to create long-lasting success and happiness in all areas of your life?

If you don't, then you should read this book, because it has been written especially for you.

YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES is a personal code for living — a set of coaching principles that will help you live a happier, more fulfilling, more successful life — a no-nonsense guide that will help you create the new life you have always wanted.

Read it, absorb it. It will set you free!

YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES is now available from Amazon

Only $2.99 / £1.99


Monday, 1 June 2015

The Blurb to my NEW book YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES

Here is the blurb to my new book 'YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES' which is due for release in the the next few days... 

Are you living your life to its full potential?

Do you know how to make the instant changes necessary to create long-lasting success and happiness in all areas of your life?

If you don't, then you should read this book, because it has been written especially for you.

YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES is a personal code for living — a set of coaching principles that will help you live a happier, more fulfilling, more successful life — a no-nonsense guide that will help you create the new life you have always wanted.

Read it, absorb it. It will set you free!

Sunday, 31 May 2015

An excerpt from my new book YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES...

Create A Mental Sanctuary
“To the mind that is still, the whole world surrenders. ~ Lao Tzu

Harry Truman, the former US President, was once asked how he managed to handle the pressures of the presidency. He replied: “Because I have a foxhole in my mind.” He then went on to explain that this foxhole was a kind of quiet room that he had created which allowed him to escape when he was serving in the army — a retreat where he would be safe. He often visited this foxhole for rest and recuperation.

Many other people have also used a similar form of mental escape, creating their own idea of paradise — or a safe room, where they can escape the pressures of life and focus their minds upon the positives rather than the negatives. Prisoners of war are a perfect example — there have been numerous accounts of soldiers describing how they built an imaginary mental paradise where they could be free from the physical hardships and torture which they often endured. These men described how they filled their minds with images of their loved ones, and reminisced over pleasant memories, anything that would take them away from present reality.

Perhaps you could create your own mental paradise — build an imaginary world only you can visit — where you can relax and unwind, de-stress and gather your thoughts. I like the sound of the ocean, the sun on my face, the feel of the soft sand between my toes. My mental paradise has all of these.

What will your paradise look like? What would your imagination create? Why not close your eyes right now and let your thoughts run wild? Create whatever you wish — you don’t have to share this with anyone — it is your paradise, no one else’s!

Maybe your paradise is a room — a room with a view. What are you going to have in this room? What does it look like? How is it decorated? Does it have music? Does your room have a view? Perhaps you are in a wooden lodge deep within the forest, or in a cave overlooking the sea — it could even be the clubhouse on your favourite golf course!

It’s your paradise. Make it something special...just for you!

  • We all need a mental paradise — a safe house
  • Create whatever you desire
  • This mental paradise is only for YOU

Available NOW from ALL good eBook retailers!

Amazon USA Link
Amazon UK Link
Smashwords Link
Barnes & Noble Link
Kobo Link

Further details on all my books can be found on my website: http://ivorlloydcoach.wix.com/ivorlloyd

Monday, 25 May 2015

Make Your Own Rules

Here is another short excerpt from my book YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES (a revised edition of this book is due July 2015)...

Make Your Own Rules
“Live by your own rules. Don’t let anybody hold you back. Be different and be yourself. You only get to live once, so make it whatever you want it to be.” ~ Adam Thomas

You are the boss — don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. What you do with your life is up to you and no one else. You make the rules and, if you don’t have any, then it’s time you made some (I’ve included sixty-six in this book to get you started).

Don’t be pushed around. Be everything you wish to be. Devise a solid set of morals, values, principles and rules. Set your own high standards of excellence — and live by them. Keep moving forward, changing and developing new and better rules as you experience new challenges. Be inventive — a visionary! Never stand still, never give up. Learn to be a better person, a better you — the boss, the person who makes the rules. Don’t make excuses for situations you find yourself in — change them!

“I want to learn a new skill and find a new job.” Then do it!

“I want to lead a healthier lifestyle.” Then do it! 

“I don’t want to be controlled by others.” Then don’t! 

“I don’t want to work in a dead-end job.” Then don’t!

Making your own rules doesn’t mean that you are a rebel or an outcast, it means that you willing to make decisions and take personal responsibility for your life — it means you are in control.
Why don’t you create your own rules as you go along. Don’t let other people stop you from living the life that you deserve — make up your own rules and live by them.

Having a firm set of rules and a worthy moral code develop character. “A man’s reputation is what other people think of him; his character is what he really is.” ~ Unknown

  • Live by your own rules
  • Don’t let others hold you back
  • Develop better rules as you go along



'YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES' (new edition coming soon)

The NEW edition of 'YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES' is due June 2015

Are you living your life to its full potential?

Do you know how to make the instant changes necessary to create long-lasting success and happiness in all areas of your life: personal, career, relationships, your finances?

If you don’t, then you should read this book, because it has been written especially for you!

Your Life, Your Rules is a personal code for living — a set of coaching principles that will help you live a happier, more fulfilling, more successful life — a no-nonsense guide that will help you create the new life you have always wanted.

Read it. Absorb it. It will set you free!

This book is a collective result of my coaching ethos — an ethos formed through my twenty years of life coaching, fitness coaching and counselling. It is a definitive plan for living a great life — a concise book of life principles. Principles that work!



A True Story About Achieving 'The Impossible'

A True Story About Achieving 'The Impossible' 
(taken from my book NEVER GIVE UP)

In May 1954, a British medical student called Roger Bannister broke the four-minute mile barrier for the first time.

You may say that is a commendable achievement, but nothing special.

Well, for several years previously, medical and scientific experts had said it would be impossible for a man to run a mile in less than four minutes, as his heart would explode and his muscles tear from the bone. Indeed, many athletes had failed, simply confirming the experts’ doubts.

But it was Roger who defied them. He believed beyond any shadow of a doubt that he could prove them wrong. He succeeded in his quest because he did not share the same constrained beliefs of the scientists.

What’s interesting is the fact that within three years of Roger Bannister breaking the four-minute mile, another 300 athletes went on to follow him and prove that just because someone says it can’t be done, you don’t have to believe them.

Please visit my website to find more about me and my books http://ivorlloydcoach.wix.com/ivorlloyd

Sunday, 24 May 2015

The Winner's Mindset

Andrew Rivett

“Ivor Lloyd has coached me mentally and physically for over 17 years. His no-nonsense and passionate approach to coaching has helped transform me from an average marathon runner into a triple world champion.”

Andrew Rivett is the current Guinness World Record Holder — running from John O’Groats in Scotland to Land’s End in England. A total of 874 miles in just 9 days 2 hours 26 minutes in May 2002.

‘King’ Kenny Tibble

“Ivor Lloyd was my coach for over 3 years. We worked tirelessly to improve every aspect of my physical and mental fitness. Having someone like Ivor on your side certainly gives you an edge."

2000 British 125cc Motorcycling Champion (4 victories + 4 podium finishes)

Please visit my website to find more about me and my books http://ivorlloydcoach.wix.com/ivorlloyd

Tom's Story (from my book NEVER GIVE UP)

Tom’s Story (name changed to protect my client’s identity)

Tom was only twelve years old when his mum first enrolled him at my gym. Although pleasant and well-mannered, Tom had some serious physical and emotional issues which required immediate and prompt attention. His doctor, also a gym member, suggested that Tom would benefit greatly from personal one-to-one coaching to restore his confidence, reduce his weight and improve his fitness. 

Having been classed as morbidly obese by his doctor, Tom’s future health was in serious jeopardy if we failed to give Tom the support and guidance he desperately needed.

After several gentle exercise sessions, Tom confessed that he was a victim of bullying at school. His ‘so-called’ friends teased and abused him, not only verbally, but physically too. The break-up of his parent’s marriage had been the original catalyst to Tom’s eating problems, but the bullying had intensified the problem. He was desperate to gain control once more and wanted to prove the bullies wrong. After agreeing to train with me after school every day, I took Tom under my wing until he gained enough confidence to mingle and mix with other members of the gym.

It would be several weeks before Tom’s weight began to decrease. I hadn’t weighed Tom initially because I didn’t want to draw too much attention to his predicament. Tom knew he was obese. Highlighting it further would only undermine his confidence and hinder any possible progress. Instead, I emphasised his ‘feelings’ as a gauge to success. If he felt good…then that was good! If he felt bad, then...that was just an off day!

Tom worked hard to lose his excess weight. Well, in the gym at least! His mum hadn’t quite grasped the basis of healthy eating, teasing him with chocolate and other treats after each session. I didn’t mind. Tom was in control again. The bullying had stopped and Tom was enjoying life once more. I still see Tom to this day. He is one of the happiest, caring, loving and respectful men I have ever had the pleasure to meet. A true gentleman who always greets you with a smile. To think that I may have helped, even in the slightest of ways, fills me with a great sense of purpose and satisfaction.

Helping Tom turn his life around was one of the proudest moments of my career, if not the proudest!

Please visit my website to find more about me and my books http://ivorlloydcoach.wix.com/ivorlloyd

YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES (book excerpt)

Here is a short excerpt from my book YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES (a revised edition of this book is due July 2015)...

Know When To Ask For Help
“Asking for advice does not mean that you are weak, it means you are wise.” ~ T. Fowler

Successful people ask for help and they ask for guidance. Why? Because they have learned to accept their strengths and their weaknesses — they know that they alone cannot do everything themselves. So they ask people who know. They ask for help!

Who would you ask to repair your car? A motor mechanic, of course. You would seek the advice and help of a specialist, someone who had expert knowledge and experience in their particular field. So why do so many of us fail to ask for help when we need it most? Why do we bury our heads in the sand and hope the problem will go away? The answer is rejection! It is the fear of rejection which holds us back. We often think it is a sign of weakness if we ask for help, that we are inadequate, and inferior to others.

Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness, it is actually a sign of strength. Successful people know this, they learn how to delegate, they know when to ask for help. They create an atmosphere of empowerment, making others feel important and valued. They know that if they don’t have the answers, then someone else will. They seek and they overcome. Just like you must do. If you don’t know how to do something then ask. What’s the worst that can happen? You might get a no, but you also might get a YES!

By all means, you should try to do something yourself if it’s within your capabilities and not downright stupid. But do seek the help of the people who can solve your problems; the teachers, the coaches, the mentors, the professionals — do find someone who can help further your career, improve your health, your fitness, your life!

Ask for help in your everyday situations, too. Don’t be afraid to ask for whatever you need or want. If you receive a ‘no’, then what have you lost? Nothing!
Ask! Ask! Then, ask again!

  • Know your strengths and weaknesses
  • Don’t be afraid of rejection
  • Know when to ask for the right help

Please visit my website to find more about me and my books http://ivorlloydcoach.wix.com/ivorlloyd

The Andrew Rivett Story (from my book NEVER GIVE UP)

The Andrew Rivett Story

Andrew Rivett first approached me for help in 1994. He had been competing locally in half marathons and middle distance races for several years with only moderate success. He was frustrated with his results and wanted me to help him improve his mental and physical fitness.

The first thing that struck me about Andrew was not his natural ability, but his determination. I have met many driven and determined people before, but Andrew’s will to succeed at any cost made him a winner before we even started working together.

The first objective was to test Andrew’s physical fitness by pushing him to his absolute limit through an intense programme of punishing endurance training. This was not easy and not without risks as Andrew suffered with asthma and was dependent on Ventolin. Once Andrew had achieved the desired physical results, I began working on Andrew’s mental attitude, for you must first win inside the mind before you can win outside of the mind. Yes, to be a winner or a success in life, you must first believe yourself that it is possible before you can go on to achieve your goals. No belief means no victory!

Andrew was beginning to make tremendous progress and entered the Marathon Des Sables, a six day race across the Sahara desert in Morocco, considered to be the toughest foot race on earth. To train for such an event, I asked Andrew to run non-stop for hours on the treadmill whilst wearing a backpack. He would then jump off the treadmill and sit for long periods in the sauna to simulate racing conditions in the desert. I have to admit, Andrew did get some strange looks from other gym members.

Andrew successfully completed the Marathon Des Sables in a respectable position. It would be the first of many endurance races before Andrew set his sights upon his ultimate goal of setting a new world record by running from John O’Groats to Lands End – a total of 874 miles. The world  record stood at just under 11 days; Andrew’s target was to do it in less than 10 days.

I remember a conversation I had with a dear friend of mine; he was a fitness coach of some standing. He told me that it was impossible to break such a record and that my fellow, more experienced coaches thought my lack of a university education in coaching left me looking somewhat foolish amongst my peers.

Well, that was it for me! I was determined to prove the ‘college boys’ wrong. It isn’t academic qualifications that make you a winner; it is sheer guts, courage and the will to give 100% in your efforts to win that make you a champion. My blood was boiling and I was determined to prove them wrong.

On the 13th May 2002, Andrew Rivett recorded the fastest ever run from John O’Groats to Land’s End. He smashed the existing world record to finish the 874 mile challenge in 9 days 2 hours and 26 minutes. His record was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records and still stands to this day (it is recorded in the 2011 edition).

Andrew had proved everyone wrong and also proved that having asthma does not need to stop you from achieving your dreams. I too was delighted because my reputation as a coach and ‘dreamer’ had been restored.

Andrew went on to break two further world records in my gym on 5/6th April 2003:
The record for the fastest time running 100 miles on a treadmill (16 hours, 23 minutes and 16 seconds) and the record for the greatest distance travelled on a treadmill in 24 hours (135.5 miles).
Andrew is living proof that the word impossible really does mean...I’M POSSIBLE!

Please visit my website to find more about me and my books http://ivorlloydcoach.wix.com/ivorlloyd

Who is Ivor Lloyd?

Ivor Lloyd is a motivational coach and author of the books 'NEVER GIVE UP'' and 'YOUR LIFE, YOUR RULES'.

In a career spanning more than two decades, Ivor has helped many people overcome obstacles in the pursuit of their dreams and goals through his unique style of coaching. Indeed, his successful methods, upon which his motivational career is based, helped transform one student, Andrew Rivett, from an average middle-distance runner into a triple world record holder.

Ivor's inimitable, no-nonsense style in which he delivers his message leaves his readers feeling moved, inspired and motivated in equal measure.

Having overcome many challenges in his own life, Ivor now uses his personal and professional experience to enrich the lives of others and to motivate people, having an immediate and long-lasting impact as he shares his secrets to success.

Ivor holds professional qualifications in Coaching, Remedial Therapy and Counselling.
